
How Mad this gets Me!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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At 7:00 pm, Feb 15th, me (12) my mom and my sister are driving down the main road of a nova scotian community. Then a random snowball hits our windshield. Our first thought - teenagers!!!

Teens at my middle school did this kinda stuff. Grade 8 n 9's.

Though no damage was done, think of what could have happened!

If there was a rock in the snowball, it could smash the windshield, get us killed, and they would get off the hook cuz they are underaged!!!!!!!

Dosen't this anger you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S It was really dark while we were driving. I was in the passenger seat and the snowball flew past me diagonally to my mom.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This annoys the s*** outta me!!!!!

Tell me your opinion!




  1. Give it a break.

  2. so you never did anything stupid when you were younger? or is it just that it happened to you that makes you mad? kids do stupid things, it's a part of growing up, just be thankful no one was hurt.

  3. Here in the U.S., that action is illegal, and you have a right to be upset.  

    What if the snowball was big enough to have distorted your mother's vision through the windshield and she hit another motorist?  The kids that threw the snowballs would not be laughing then. . .

  4. Yes, that would be annoying, but at least it wasn't a bullet!

  5. Todd is correct. In America those "children" would be tried as adults and shut away in the system for their actions. Later they would be be returned to the world wiser is the ways of criminal actions. They would return to the scene of their "youthful prank" but this time they would use a gun instead of a snow ball.

  6. I think God has more important matters in-hand.

    You got your consideration already.

  7. It is annoying and I see you got home OK since that was only 51 minutes ago.  As you know, bored people will do anything.  Since there was no stone, there was no malicious intent, just boredom and parents who did not know where their children were.  Breath deeply and relax.  This is mild stupidity.  You will encounter worse as you get older.

    True story.  I was bored waiting for a bus after a heavy snow fall in Toronto decades ago.  I was kicking big chunks of snow out into the street so I could get through the snowbank when the bus arrived.  I didn't see a car coming as I kicked a large chunk out and it came down on the roof of the car.  The driver stopped and was ready to kill me but since the car was undamaged, he let me off with a lecture.

    Hope you get  a decent clear spot between the winters storms.

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