
How Manny Pacquiao became the best boxer in the world

by  |  10 years, 10 month(s) ago

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How Manny Pacquiao became the best boxer in the world. If you were to ask the average person to name one current boxer, chances are that the name they give you wouldn't be an American star like Floyd Mayweather Jr. or Shane Mosley, or one of the non-descript heavyweight champions. It's fair to say that the majority of people would name Manny Pacquiao. The fact that within the span of two years Pacquiao has gone from a boxing champion from the Philippines with little name recognition to the biggest boxing star in the world is almost more amazing than any of his in-ring accomplishments.

Pacquiao went from a great fighter into a superstar on December 6...

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  1. adoptionbaby03
    Manny Pacquiao has been fighting for world titles in Amaerica since 2001. He wasn’t an unknown from the Philippines two years ago.

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