
How Manny Pacquiao killed Money Mayweather without a single punch - Part 1

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How Manny Pacquiao killed Money Mayweather without a single punch - Part 1
Being a marketing man myself, I came across a saying that said, “Image is nothing.” However, most of those who have studied marketing would know that in today’s modern day world this is not quite true. When we find ourselves in the world of combat sports,
branding is everything. Branding is important especially when one comes across brands like the WWE or UFC which thrive on logos and images that relate to the age group or the genre of audience they intend to target. Due to the fact that most of the audience
of the UFC are heavy metal fans, one would come across a plethora of symbols and clothing lines adorned with ‘skulls and crossbones’, with heavy metal music playing in their promos and events.
When it comes to boxing, fighters must have that unique selling point about their persona as well. Therefore, one finds stories such as ‘Mexican Warriors’ or other more interesting travails encompassing ‘out of the hood stories.’ However, in all eco systems
we find certain specie at the top of the food chain. In the boxing world, we find two polarizing fighters who really could not be much different from one another.
They are considered the best fighters of the modern era, and an imminent fight between the two has enthralled the boxing fans like no other match up has in many decades. Manny (Pac-Man) Pacquiao and Floyd (Money) Mayweather. Their nicknames in themselves
draw a lot of similarities however interestingly enough, the similarities end there.
While Pac Man chooses to tirelessly gobble up his adversary with his vicious offensive onslaught that is akin to the video game character. Money, on the contrary, is a defensive magician who manages to escape the most brutal of onslaughts like a stealthy
phantom. Therefore stylistically when compared as boxers, the two show a rather stark contrast.
Their personal stories would tell the rest of the tale as one can hardly draw similarities to their image and stories that the two have developed for their own selves. Money found himself born into the boxing fraternity with his father Floyd Mayweather senior
himself being a majestic boxer.
Pac Man’s story was a lot different from that of Money. At a young age, the man was abandoned by his father. While Money lived his life in the boxing arena training with his own father and uncle, Pacquiao on the contrary had to run away from his own house,
leaving the province to pursue his destiny as a professional boxer. As Money braced himself to go to the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta at the age of 18 where he went on to win the bronze medal, Pacquiao was finding it hard to meet the weight requirements to be
able to fight in the ring. He stuffed his own shorts with metal pieces and bronze to meet the minimum weight requirements of an underage pro.
Money lived a sheltered life off the streets mostly due to his family's influence. Pacquiao, however, would often find himself without shelter on cold merciless nights. When it comes to their personalities, the differences get more profound.
Pac Man prefers to be known as the philanthropist, a social activist and a politician. He is humble and down to earth, choosing not to flaunt his talents. At the other end of the spectrum, we have Money Mayweather, who portrays himself as ‘braggadocios’
hip hop character who loves to flaunt where it concerns himself. This more or less goes on to define his namesake, which can be argued is not completely a bad thing as people buy into that thing. In comparison to the lawbreaker Mayweather, Pacquiao stands
as a stark contrast.


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    Category: Boxing | Posted: 10 years, 10 month(s) ago

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