
How Many 23 Cent Stamps Do I need To Put on My Envelope from Maine to Oregon?

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How Many 23 Cent Stamps Do I need To Put on My Envelope from Maine to Oregon? It only has a 20$ dollar bill in it.




  1. It doesn't matter where you send it to in the continental US as long as it has 42 cents worth of stamps, you're fine. And don't listen to everyone else, your 20 dollars is paper and it'll reach it there just fine. Good luck!

  2. 2

  3. If it is a regular size (letter size) envelope, then 42 cents (or two of your stamps) will cover it. USPS does not recommend the mailing of currency.

  4. If it is a normal standard size letter you'll need a 42cents stamp.

    Since you have 23cents stamps, put two of them on the envelope and you should be fine.

    You might wanna put that dollar bill in a card or a folded piece of paper before putting in the envelope!  

  5. A stamp costs 42 cents. You're stupid to send a $20 bill in the mail though.  

  6. If it's a standard or business size envelope and it is under 1 oz (four sheets of standard paper) then two 23 cent stamps is more than enough.

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