
How Many Believe Tony Stewart Was Really Sick With The Flu Virus?

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Why J.J. Yeley Jumkp In Tony's Car To Fill In?




  1. Yep, I think he was sick, he looked sick last week too.

  2. I think he ate too many 5 Dollar Footlongs before the race, and thats what made him sick.

  3. no, tony said on TNT live he was not feeling very well................... i know tony better than that...... tony would never do something like that...... it's la-git......... i just hope he is feeling better........ my poor honey bear..............! :-(

  4. i believe he was. He loves to race and I doubt he would fake being sick to get out of racing.

  5. he was sick and thanks for the two points.

  6. Yes I believe he had the Flu 100%.He would never get out of the catr and let some race it inless he was sick!

  7. i do cause he loves to race and he would never give up his ride unless he didnt think that he could do it

  8. Even though I believe he does not want to drive a toyota anymore and wants out of his contract asap, I believe he was truly sick.  They showed him right after he got out and he was white as a ghost.

  9. I DO and u know why, BECAUSE HE WAS SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U could just tell by the look on his face. Is he was faking it I think he should be an actor, not a Nascar driver!!!!!

  10. There is no way Smoke would have gotten out of that car if he wasnt really sick!! Poor guy!!

    Go Kasey Go!!

    # 9 all the way baaaby!!

  11. He had to be sick... He is not the kind of person to get out of the car mid-race.

  12. Tony's whole life is centered around racing.  Why would he do something like that unless he was sick.  It is something I could see him doing if he was having a bad race but he was clearly dominant.

  13. He is a top twelve contender for the championship, hmmm, really ill, ya think?!

    (this type of question seems troll like)

  14. im with fluffy

    thats just dumb

  15. That is pathetic.  He looked like c**p.  Not everything is a conspiracy.

  16. I Do, i wouldn't want to put JJ Yeley in MY car!

  17. Absolutely! And I suspect what he's suffering from is a nasty infection contracted during that bloody back waxing session....:0)

  18. I believe he was, holy cow I NEVER thought I'd see him get out of his car EVER! I was amazed but I felt sooo bad for him because he really really looked sick =(

  19. umm i think everyone does.  if you dont, your dumb.  why would you risk putting a driver in your car that hasnt proved anything in the sport.  and at the same time, why would you put that driver in your car when your not locked into the chase?????

  20. YEA,  sick of driving that  p  o  s   TOYOTA  corrolla.

  21. I don't think it was the flu; I think he was sick of hearing all the speculation about him going to Haas/CNC.  Maybe we'll hear a definitive answer soon.

  22. yes because "tnt live" he sounded sick and he said that he loved roller coaster rides but  he did not want to be on the revolving set with kyle petty and those two other guys talking about coke. besides he looked pale and i know that stewart loves to race. He owns part of a track, a couple of teams, has his own radio show, and has raced in how many other series before coming here. that guy was born to race and loves to race i know that he did not want to get out of his car.but he had to because he probably had a headache, and seeing double. When i saw him sitting in the pit box he looked sick and was going to hurl.

    Do you think you could race at two hundred miles an hour feeling sick to your stomache and probably having a headache with that too? i know i would not if he could get points without climbing into his race car feeling sick im sure he would have stayed in bed until he felt yes i believe him cause i saw him and heard what he sounded like on my tv .

  23. It seems to me that he was most likely sick. He is to dedicated to quit the race if he wasn't really sick. He probablly has the most or second to most dedication to the sport by proof at New Hampshire when he stayed in his car after the race was red flaged. I belive that with that much dedication, he must have been feeling pretty bad to climb out of his car and leave it to J.J. Yaley. He also looked very pale after climbing out of the car. Also, unless I am mistaken,it  was never actually offical that he had the flu. It was just siad that he had flu like symptoms. Within 15  minutes, they were also saying he was on his second iv. I think that he possibly could have had the flu and part of it also could have been dehydration. With my long explination, my answer would be yes. I belive that he did have the flu or a flu-like virus.

  24. c'mon man! You gotta think up better questions that that

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