
How Many Bological Races are there?

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I am taking an anthro class and as part of an assignment for the course we are required to ask the following questions:

How many Biological Races are their?

Can you list those races?

Please list your age, gender, and race.


There is no right or wrong answer. Please dont justify your answers otherwise that will give it away.




  1. How many biological races are there?

    ~ Absolutely none.

    Can you list those races?

    ~ How does one list that which does not exist?

    Age, gender, and race?

    ~ 20, woman, homo sapien.

    * s*x and Gender aren't interchangeable, I'm wondering if your teacher meant to make you ask people their s*x rather than their gender.

    * Race is a culturally defined category; it has nothing to do with biology.


    A brief overview of human races and their geographical distribution, from Carleton S. Coon's The Origin of Races.

    Caucasoid: Europe, West Asia and North Africa. (Pakistan)

    Mongoloid: East Asia, Oceania, the Arctic and the Americas.


    *******: Sub-Saharan Africa. (Sudan)

    Capoid: Southern Africa. (Kalahari Desert)

    Australoid: Australia and Melanesia. (Melville Island)




    What is wrong with you people, she is asking a specific question for a specific purpose and you all are not smart enough to follow instructions.

  3. There are no biological races. Only socially constructed ones. Your teacher lied, there is a right answer because this is the official position of the American Anthropological Association.

  4. Three Mongoloid Caucasoid and *******

    23 male Caucasoid

  5. How many Biological Races are their? Millions or one (depending on how you ask the question).

    Can you list those races?-Nope (the millions), and yes (the one).

    Please list your age, gender, and race.-20-something; generally feminine; Homo sapiens.

    *All of these people that are claiming that there are no biological races sure don't know much about biology, in which "species" and "race" have often been used interchangeably. So, if your question means to ask how many biological human races are there, then the answer would be one because there's only one current species that is considered human.

  6. Depends on your criteria for catalogizing them. Europeans tried that waaay back. Racism originated as a serious scientific approach however some Europeans were shocked to hear that the white race was not necessarily the cream (or that there was none) and that we might all originate from Africa, so scientific work becanem impossibel pretty fast and it all became political.

    Thank god some of it was rediscovered for the medical field to help People from maritim countries deal with problems they might have in an enviroment with less jodine or compensate blacks the lack of sun exposure due tomoving to a rainy country.

  7. we are all 98.7 genetically alike you tell me

  8. The right answer is: There are NO biological races, its a trick question.

    The entire humans race has less genetic diversity than a family group of chimpanzees.

    Race is a social construct, it does not exist, genetically.

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