
How Many Caucasians Are There In The World??

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I mean , including Jews, African Whites, East Europeans....How many Caucasians are there in the whole world?




  1. No exact # would probably be accurate, but in the USA alone, white people make up about a little over 70% of the country! SO imagine all of europe and south africa (with minor exceptions of  course b/c there are other ethnitices in both of those places also) which are filled with white folks! The number is definitely high.

    Overall though, it is a fact that White people are the highest # demographics wise , in the world.

  2. 300 Bil.

  3. Though I don't know, I can only hope there will be more white people. I'm not fond of the color brown, no offence to any race. I really don't like brown, it's the color of p**p and tree trunks.

    I hate brown pants and brown shirts.

  4. not enough. We're being swallowed up. Everybody else is breeding like rats.

  5. Here are some populations by region... (in millions)

    Africa... 794

    Asia... 3, 672

    Latin American and Caribbean... 519

    Europe... 727

    North America... 314

    Oceania... 31

    Total of 6,057 for the world. This censue was done in 2000.

    You can draw some of your own conclusions based on this...

  6. About 15% of the world population.

    ~ 9.75 X 10^8 people.

  7. plenty and the overall number is increasing but the % is decreasing because other races are having more kids in comparison

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