
How Many Countries?

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Are you a world traveler? I have a friend who has

travel to over 60 countries, and the amazing thing to

me is that she has visited most of them by herself.

I dont' know if I find that extremely brave of her, or

well, dumb. Anyway, I admire and I suppose envy

her for all her "wanderlust". Her favorite place?

Thailand, because she says the people are so nice,

and its a fun place to go. She's been there 3 times.

Have you traveled much? If so, whats your favorite

country and why. What was your favorite food? Or your





  1. I've recently been fascinated with what this guy from Denmark is doing. He is traveling around the world by bike. I believe he has been doing this since 2004 and is now in New Zealend.

    My personal favorite place is Israel. Not because of an exotic culture or white sanded beaches. It's because it is a chosen land for a chosen people. Even if you are secular, just looking back at the history for the people of Israel and their survival is a miracle in itself. They've been exiled and hated by nations all throughout their existence and somehow they manage to regain their promised land (I can relate to that in my life); even after a holocaust. The people there are simply resilient and display that in their attitude. Jerusalem is, the center of the universe.

    Outside the U.S. the only place I've been is Israel. I do have a trip to Egypt, Israel and Jordan coming up soon though.

  2. I've travelled a lot (must be a brisbane thing :-)

    I have been to 34 countries on last count and, like your friend, most of them on my own. mainly because its so darn hard to find people who are as willing and able to travel as much as I am.

    My favorite country so far has been cambodia - its literally stole my heart. the people are wonderful, the country is gorgeous and full of history and mystery and its struggling out from a terrible history into a beautiful future.

    My favorite food - japanese is fabulous. but the thai food probably gets my pick.

    Least favorite country so far is United Arab Emirates (worst is Dubai) for being all things greedy and selfish and with the worst climate imaginable.

    Least favorite food? BBQ Rat on a skewer in China. disgusting.
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