
How Many Fish In A 55 Gallon tank?

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I have these fish in a 29 gallon tank but will be moving them to a 55 gallon tank soon.

5 black skirt tetras

2 red minor tetras (I had 6 but they wasn't that healthy)

4 zebra danios

I want to add to the schools but I don't know how many more fish I should add to each school. How many fish should I add to each school?




  1. If they are the only fish you want to keep, then I suggest adding 11 more black skirts, 12 more red minor's, and 16 more danios. I might also suggest getting a cleanup crew either in the form of cory cats, a bristlenose pleco, or some shrimp. You could easily have 6 cory's, 2 BN, or 5-6 shrimp.

  2. I would add two more of each. You dont want too many more than that.Visually it will look better and will be better for viewing.

  3. A school should be at least 6 fish, ideally more. Your 55 gallon tank will have plenty of room for them, plus a few other fish too. I would suggest getting 4 angelfish and a dwarf plecostomus to finish the tank.

  4. You can definately get more fish! The fish expert we had at the pet store said a rough estimate is around 1 inch of fish per 1 inch of tank. All of the fish you have are small, so you can easily purcahse more.

    When talking about schools of fish, I typicaly say you should have somewhere between 4-6 fish. However, with such a large aquarium you'll be moving them to, you can get more, or go with another type of fish. :) Just be aware and make sure you get fish that are compatable with one another.

    Good luck

  5. i have 3 black skirts and 5 zebra danios but for you you need about 6 of each and then they all will be happy

  6. you should have 6 of any tetras and danios bring those up and get 6 otos or cory cats and maybe a few platy's, your tank will be nice and colorful.

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