
How Many GCSE's Would Be A Good Achievement?

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I'm getting my results on Thursday but I wanted to know how many GCSE's would be considered a good achievement? And how many would be a great achievement? Thanks for your help.




  1. It's all down to the individual person.

    For example, I didn't put any effort until about May of my GCSE's.

    I passed 5 GCSE's with B's and C's.

    To some of my friends that would be terrible, I was over the moon, I knew it was more than I deserved.

    So yeah basically I'd say it's down to each person.

    But overall I'd say 7+ is good and 10+ is great!

    (but can I just say... just because you scrape 5 passes [*cough* me] doesn't make you a stupid person. I didn't try. I just got BBBD in my AS's and I'm bloody proud!!!)

    So yeah good luck for thursday!

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