
How Many Gears Of War Games Are There Going To Be?

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How Many Gears Of War Games Are There Going To Be?




  1. Yea. I remember him watching an interview and he said if the 2nd one sells good (which it will) then we'll make a 3rd one and if thats sells good (probably better) the we'll make another and so on and so forth. Plus the storyline is one that can support it for many games to come.  

  2. The answer to this is uncertain.  But there's going to be more than 3.

    Vice President of Epic Games (Mark Rein) has stomped all over those current ‘Gears of War trilogy’ rumours with an iron boot. He’s also stated:

    “Why would we have to stop at three? I don’t see the Metal Gear Solid, Mario, Grand Theft Auto or Final Fantasy series [amongst others] stopping at three, and they’re still delivering compelling entertainment content that’s easily worth the money"

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