
How Many Men In CONSTRUCTION Cook Dinner For Their Wife?

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Hi There - I was just wondering how many men out there in construction or who have heavy labour jobs cook for their wife and if so how often - 1ce/wk, 2ce/wk, everyday. And please specify if you do it only on weekends or if you do it on workdays too.

ALSO - do you "Enjoy" cooking for your wife? Thanks!




  1. My husband works construction, and he cooks.  He prefers that the oven not be used during the summer months because he works in the heat all day.  He does the cooking on the grill every day.  I put together the salads, etc to go with the main course.  As soon as the weather cools, I cook every day the rest of the year, with exception only when he grills maybe once a week.  By the end of the summer he gets a little burnt out on the cooking thing.  By then I'm ready to start cooking again!  It works for us.

  2. I've been married for over 20 yrs and have always done 90% of the cooking,and yes i enjoy cooking,but it's like work.......sometimes i love my job...........sometimes i hate it.

  3. Dear Hardhat,

    Your question is most interesting.

    Somehow I don't believe you're asking this question for just the heck of it. It seems as though you've got something else on your mind --like maybe the inequality of the situation you're in having to cook for your wife after a hard day's work. IMHO

    Better re-think this to be sure what you're really asking and most importantly -- WHY.

  4. my husband works construction, 6 10-12 hour shifts a week when he's not out of town for a couple weeks. i work late on weekends so he cooks dinner for us and brings it down to eat together on saturdays. he usually cooks 1-3 other nights during the week. he says its his thank you for washing and folding his dirty work clothes. i never told him to do it, but after two years he still does it.

  5. My husband does part time construction and also has a full time job and another very part time job.  He loves to cook-it is his hobby so he almost always cooks dinner.  I usually make the breakfast and lunch.  He is always looking at cookbooks and experimenting with different foods.  

  6. My husband works from 5 in the evening until 6 the next morning and we have a 4 year old and a 11 month old with 1 due in feb. and on his days off he cooks (what he can) cleans and does laundry to give ME a break and get some rest... hes a great man and i looooove him!!!!

  7. I Like to cook and my wife prefers not to so I do most all of the cooking and grocery shopping. It works for us. I also have a full time job.

  8. my wife and i have oppisite schedules and shes gone three nights a week and every other weekend sat/sun. we have 3 young kids and i have been a mr,mom for yrs. cooking, cleaning,laundry,ect. and yes i do love to cook from scatch. i am told by all my male friends that i give the male gender a bad rap for the guys. and my wife has told me that i have lost my man card more than ones.

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