
How Many Of You Strongly Believe That The Royal Family Killed Princess Diana?

by Guest56989  |  earlier

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How Many Of You Strongly Believe That The Royal Family Killed Princess Diana?




  1. Sure...they FORCED her to get in a car with a drunk driver, they FORBADE her to wear her seat belt, and the BRIBED the emergency medical workers not to give her the appropriate treatment...SURE they did.

  2. No, that's just a very foolish conspiracy theory.  Speeding in a car that was driven by a drunk taking drugs got her killed.

  3. I believe it. Before her death, Princess Di said she was afraid of Prince Philip. 1st -Also Prince Charles, after his divorce, could not get king-ed because the Bishop of Canterbury would not king a divorced man. Now that Di is dead, Charles can be king-ed. 2nd - the British king always killed wives that they didn't want to be married to. 3rd - Di was dating a Moslem & they were to get married. (too dark, too Moslem)  The Royal Family would not tolerate a Moslem that close to their family; he would be step-father to 2 British princes. The Queen & Prince Philip would never tolerate him in their family circle.. I think, that's the way that generation in Britain may think.

  4. Not me.

    They have enough money to have the job done right if they so desired.

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