
How Many People Here Take Astronomy in College (Or have)?

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I want to take astronomy in college and get a PH.D eventually. Where do you go? Can you e-mail me with details on astronomy classes and your college? Thanks.




  1. i want to, and depending on your financial situation the good-okay collages vary. for instance cal-tech is great collage for astronomy, on the other hand Penn state is an okay collage for astronomy. i wish you well with your astronomy major in collage

  2. I've heard several good talks on this, but generally at the level of "first get good at math and science". And though several are podcasts that have been transcribed (like AstronomyCast), Google is remarkably unrevealing.

    One of the troubles is that the Universe is a big place, and anything in it is up for grabs as something to study.  So physics and nuclear physics might lead you to stellar evolution or spectroscopy or orbital mechanics, while optics might lead you to telescope design, and knowing how to program computers will help you observationally and theoretically.  Chemistry will help in many areas, and biochemistry is about the only way to get into astrobiology. About the only discipline i've encountered that will be of no use is dental hygiene. Sorry if that's not helpful.

    As a consolation, i've got a link to schools that teach astronomy.  At the graduate level, you're not looking for a school so much as a major professor. That's because you'll want someone who is doing what you want to do.

  3. it depnds on the person

    whether he is interested in astonomy or not............................

  4. dont move back take astronomy!!!!! even i love that subject a lotttttt.....dont worry wheather freinds will come or not u will get a new group........

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