
How Many People On Here Are 16 and under???

by  |  earlier

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just wanted to know???

cause im sure there is alot




  1. *raises hand*  

  2. 13


  3. really really pointless question!!!

  4. Guilty

  5. ill only be under 16 for 7 weeks and 5 days more  

  6. i am

  7. exactly 1284.7347

  8. how many people on here are 21 and older?

    i'm 21-

    and a lot of people lie about their age- and make avatars that dont look like them on here-

    just to say-

    i am sure there are tons of people 16 and under who will never admitt they are that young-

    because most people assume this yahoo answers if for people 18 and up adults-

    but some 16 year olds give great advice too!

  9. 16, 17 in september (:

  10. Judging by the questions, I'd say all of 'em

  11. uh.. I am but why does it matter?

  12. im 16!!!   :)

  13. I'm 15 lol

  14. I'm 11.

  15. im 16 ;)

  16. And trying to get someone to do their homework for them  ???

  17. I'm 12! I turn 13 in November! :D Yay~

  18. Im 13!!!!  

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