
How Many Pushups and Situps Should i do a night to get ready for rugby?

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the only weights I have are 5 pounds each so Im stuck with doing pushups and situps

Im planning on joining my high schools rugby team




  1. once u can do 200 press-ups, 300 sit ups per day your doing alright.

  2. Speed and endurance are more important than strength in rugby. This is especially true if you are a back rather than a forward. Push ups and sit ups are always good for general fitness, but, if you are trying to get ready for rugby, run sprints. Always being in the right position is important and in order to do this you need to be well conditioned. If strength is a big concern for you I would recommend doing a 50m-100m sprint followed by a set of push ups or sit ups. Get up and immediately do another. I played two years in high school and three years in college before a back injury forced me to stop.  

  3. do 50 Pushups and Situps a night  

  4. Don't mind these people, do whats right for you. Strength isn't nearly as important for rugby players as speed, endurance, and skill. tackling skill is THE most important thing about rugby. I still do my 100 sit ups and 50 push ups a day, but my main focus is doing my sprinting. Of course if your going to br lifting during a line out then you should put a little bit more focus into strength, but speed and tackling skill is more important.  

  5. It's all personal and relative. Do the amount that will push you to the limits of your pain threshold without injuring/ crippling you. As many other people have said here, speed is probably more important in rugby, so cross country, as well as maybe some sprints or an ( organized) bleep test will be more important that strenghtening up. Also remember that all the exercise in the world will be of little use if you don't balance it with a healthy diet.

  6. nice man

    firstly try to do about 1 hr training daily so about 150 sit up

    150 pushups obvious with breaks(try go in 30's)

    secondly rember its not just about being a huge beast so like i said do endurance running and some sprints to get faster

    lastly for the size and strenght rember that eating right is more as if not more important than the push ups etc.

  7. which do you like better, push ups or sit ups, i like sit ups better so i do 50 sit ups and 20 push ups a night, some nights i do 100 sit ups. that works for me

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