
How Many Regular Balloons would it take to lift a human off the ground?

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An average size person




  1. I think it was 4000 - I heard it on Chris Moyles's show once.

  2. This varies with balloon volume, temperature, purity of helium sample used, weight of balloon and other factors.  No possible way to proivide a definitive answer based on information given.

  3. It depends on the size of the baloons, big size less number.  Secondly it depends the density of the gas filled in, like helium or carbon dioxide, and the atmospheric condition has also a good effect.

  4. It depends how windy the weather. Any way: agree with answer N1 (I heard it too)

  5. This was done on mythbusters and it took them something like 30 or more weather balloons.  These balloons were probably as big as 20 regular size party balloons.

  6. a billion if there jsut filled with air. lol

    1000 helium filled regular party balloons

    Think twice!

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