
How Many Rockstars Is Unsafe?

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I need to stay up late into the night for important reasons (not party related).

This is my first time drinking Rockstar DOUBLE SIZE DOUBLE KICK. On the can, it says no more than 1 can can be consumed in a day. I know that most these labels are recommendations. However, I thought I'd ask to be sure.

For those that don't know there i (in a can)

151mg (5.32 oz) of caffeine

1892 mg (66.7 oz) of taurine

62g (2.19 oz) of sugar

and various other stuff like Inositol, Gingseng, Niacin etc.

Thanks for any help.




  1. I drink them like it's going out of style and it doesn'y hurt me at all. It depends on your body(especialy weight) and your diet.

    P.S. For energy, I likeRip-it's and good, old-fashioned Mountain Dew.

  2. Do not drink Rockstar for energy. Most people I know just drink them not for the energy but for the taste. This is because you have a short burst of energy and no longer than a few minutes later your practically asleep. So if you really want energy, just get a super caffiene coffee or tea (they have them at Cumberland Farms where I live; though I don't know if they have Cumberland Farms in your neck of the woods.) But anyway they have a ton of energy. And they may be at Exxon and most convience stores. I hope this helps.

  3. How many Rockstars would be unsafe?  The simple and short answer: ONE.  Energy drinks are unbelievably bad for you, especially if you are a growing teenager (which I'm guessing you probably are.  I'm a high school teacher so my guess is that you're doing some final exam cramming--which by the way, doesn't do a thing for your ability to learn and retain information, but that's another story).  

    Anyway, here are some concrete reasons why they are AWFUL for you:

    Too much sugar--may damage your liver, pancreas, and gallbladder

    Caffeine, Guarana, Taurine combo--can cause heart problems

    The effects of the kick are so short that it won't even last you all night--in fact, you're lucky if it lasts you an hour or two

    The more you drink, the harder you crash--you end up feeling almost like you've got a hangover

    Better solution if you feel you really must stay up all night?

    Take a long nap in the late afternoon.

    Or, if studying is what you are trying to do, e-mail me and I will give you some easy, non-cramming study tips that will help you retain, synthesize, and apply information.

  4. Even one is unsafe. Energy drinks are so awful for your body. You'll crash quite quickly and you'll want to go to sleep, which will defeat the purpose of staying awake.

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