
How Many Russian Women Here Would Date This Jewish Guy ?

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  1. mmm for sure nobody u have to reinvented u face..first nobody care if u r jewish who cares and jewish is not less or more..second dont use glasses...and third u r so white and u forehead and u eyes are so well u need another face no ofense....

    be yourself and well take out the glasses and u eyebowl so thick...

    russian girl are so special and very cute......

  2. Is it you?

    Why would a senisble Jewish man post a picture of himself , AND mention that he's Jewish to people?

    Judaism is a religion.

    Either it's not you... or you're lying about being Jewish.

    And my answer is , I don't base my opinion of a person on their picture , but rather on ther personality.

  3. He is not a bad looking guy  :-)

    But looking at the posters that are behind him I would ask him first "What is your credo?"


  4. why does it relle matter if hes jewish or not???

  5. there is a dating services in all synagogues in Russia

  6. I'm not Russian and therefore not qualified to comment I suppose, but why has being "Jewish" got to do with anything?

    ......... also on a side note - why do people post pictures of themselves on Y!A knowing that it will be forever on a public domain.......... kinda wierd in my opinion, but never mind

  7. I would not date anyone that posts pictures of themselves on sites like these, asking to be judged. That suggests a lack of confidence and a desire to be admired for the simple fact of having a face. You should focus more on your accomplishments, because they are what is truly yours.

    As a side note, I don't go for heavily religious types (regardless of religion). They tend to be closedminded.

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