
How Many Times Can The Same Question Be Asked....?

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Before Yahoo Answers explodes like a defective Russian Nuke?

"Lyke I rule at Geetar Me a slurpee?"

27,188 Results

"OMJ Ins't Nick So Pwetttttty????? &hearts&hearts$hearts"

48,732 Results

"What is that song that goes..oobie doobie wanga danga doo?"

1,420,957 Results (I **** You not.)

"What Are Your favorite (Band/Artist/Guitarist etc etc etc)?"

172,000 Results

So...where exactly did the originality go?

What Question make You want to pull Your hair out and leap screaming from the nearest window?




  1. Why can't they separate Rock & Pop?

    That has too be the most cliche question here.

  2. how about when kids come on here asking " how can i get my parents to let me...go to this concert or listen to X kind of music.." i guess there isnt a ton of them but it's super annoying.  

  3. How about "Do you think I'm pretty?"

    Argh! That makes me ill.... not just the Q itself but the fact that there are so many insecure people (children, I mean) out there that need this type of fake reinforcement for a slight boost of self esteem, AND they are willing to post their pics on the net when they are like 12. It literally makes me feel sick that I live in such a society that doesn't actively make their citizens feel good and confident about themselves.

  4. Okay, here's a pisser...

    when they post Can you please answer mine?

    without even giving you an answer to your question.

    "am I pretty?"

    "would you date me?"

    another peeve, 30 points for best answer????

    what do they have 20 thumbs up waiting in the wings???

    One of the worst  being "what's that person wearing in this video?" Gonna go research that right now :-)

    Okay ranted vented, feeling better...

    *mad dash to the cooler >>>>>>it's beer:30*

  5. MCR fans!!! - although those days seem to be over (for now at least)  



  7. Darth -- Haven't You Asked this Quesion, Before ??

    Just messin with ya.

    apparently a Question has No Limits in its amount of being asked <sigh>

    The ones that get me are "I have a Knife in My Head - What Should I Do?"



  8. Not sure what you are asking?

    BTW, who is your favorite guitarist, and do I look good? ;)

  9. Haha yeah, I always wonder if people are serious when they ask you to help them figure out a song just by "da da doo da" or whatever. Apparently they are... which is the sad thing. I am definitely getting tired of Jonas brother questions. And the, "Who's better? Nick Jonas or Jesus?" questions. Other ones that bother me are, "What are some good songs to listen to? I like everything." It's so hard when people are vague like that... you have no idea what they want. And my current annoyance are the, "Did anyone hear the new Metallica song?" Because I have literally seen about 20 of those in the past 2 days... haha.

  10. You sort of already said it, but every time I see a question where the person is begging R&P to help them find a song that "Goes da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da and is kind of rock" makes me want to fully freak out lol

  11. Can you count the stars in the sky?  It's about the same number...

    Most people won't use the search feature so one will keep on seeing these questions.

  12. Anything with the words Jonas, Hannah, Cyrus, Montana, Miley, etc.

  13. Where can I find tickets to see the Jonas Brothers in________?

    Help with a band name..............

    What is your favorite band?

    Rolling Stones vs The Beatles

    Who thinks rock and pop should be separated?

    Did you hear that new Metallica song?

  14. One more question about why All Summer Long isn't on iTunes and Kid Rock dies...

  15. The people with pets they supposedly care about coming on here again and again and again "my cat is sick/dying/hurt what should I do?". Makes me want to scream IF YOU KNOW YOU AREN"T WILLING TO SPEND MONEY ON A VET WHY HAVE THE FRIKKIN PET?"

  16. One particular question, two variations:

    Can you recommend me some good bands???

    ---With absolutely no indication of what kind of music they like.

    Can you recommend me some bands based off this list???

    ---Always the crappiest bands.

    I also hate, What do you think of my taste in music???

    ---9 times out of 10 I end up telling them their taste sucks.

  17. Lyke in the last ten minutes? today? week? or month?

    a few.....

  18. i think that the jonas brothers lickle-girly "fan base" as they like to call thenselves came and sucked all the fun and originality out of R&P... it really is getting harder to find good questions. i think that if i see "whts ur fav rock band? mines Linkin Park and MCR" one more time i will kill someone. Something. Anything. I have read that exact question so many times i want to hang myself...

    and that 3rd question... What the f*cking h**l? oh, god, this place is getting worse. thank god for the few sane people left...

  19. Any celebrity gossip that isn't even a question really sometimes!!!!!

  20. After reading the above, I must retire to the restroom; where hopefully my spinning head doesn't progress into full blown nausea.

  21. why do you care?

    with the amount of people on here of course the same questions are going to be asked

    and people are allowed to ask whatever questions they want

    if it bothers you then erm...go somewhere else?

  22. "Who is the best _______?"

    "What is your favourite song?"

    "What is your favourite _________ song?"

    "______ vs _______?"

    "What song are these lyrics from?" {then they give you about 4 words!}

    Darth, some of us really do pull our hair out...

  23. The 50 Billion people who want to know if they are pregnant or if it could possibly be something else.


    What do I do should I leave him or her when he or she is treating me like sh*t or I am not happy.

    Two very simple answer for both of these questions.

    GO TO THE STORE and buy a Pregnancy test

    the other is

    Leave him or her you are not happy leave it alone

  24. I know - but, it's not [as much] the amount of awful questions as the lack of (good)/questions asked. So instead of everyone giving out about it, why not just ask more interesting questions and we won't need to moan about the other ones?

    It is really annoying though, but just a thought to make it less annoying.

  25. You obviously havent been in the football section:

    Who is gonna win the world cup?

    What is your favorite team?

    Ronaldo bla blah blah (guilty as charged)

    etc etc etc

    you get the idea

  26. EXACTLY!!!!!!!

    How about:  Don't you think they should have more genres in R&P?  

    ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Whew I think I just vented....thanks Darth you rock - \m/

  27. I declare yself guilty for asking the same questions more than once.. sometimes the answers just don't do it for me and I want to pose it to a new audience.

  28. "Why does rock music suck today?"

    "Why are old bands so much better than new bands?"

    ARRGHSHUTUP. What's the point of even being in the music section if all you're going to do is complain about music? xD

  29. 2 counts:

    1. OMG NICK JOnas is multiplied by 3 DiVided by 4 >9

    Did u sEE him in Camp ROCK walkING, OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

    2. Can someone gimme some bands like Flyleaf, Fall Out Boy, ect.

  30. Ugh, anything about Guitar Hero or Rock Band.  Isn't there a video games section they can go annoy?  Also, anything that can be found with a 5 second google search, or any of the various Disney-inspired bands that seem to plague us.

  31. Like, what happened on Rock of Love and stuff? Oooh, and where can I like totally download the new American Idol song? They're so cute, n stuff. Totally

    like totally



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