
How Many Times Have You Been Asked For Your Age?

by  |  earlier

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And For What Reason?




  1. Haha too many to count. Oh god i nearly creased up when the guy was like to me we have a special offer on cigarettes today and i was like =| Im 13!

  2. twice

  3. i get asked for my age when i buy ciggerettes and im 30

  4. goin in to rs

  5. too many in the cinema, dvd store...

    maybe because i look younger than my age...i'm almost 21...although i've heard i look like i'm 16...

  6. uhm alot of timesss..... the funniest one was i was at a party and this girl was like r u 18???? im like noooo im 14... shes like ok whatever... ha.. way funny/

  7. well years ago. imbarrasing i was 25 and this woman in the offie asked me my age when i wanted a packet of f**s.haha.  

  8. a lot of times, like in my workplace, when I am getting a haircut, there was no particular reason.

  9. I used to be asked for my age when going into clubs alot, I was 23. havent been asked this year so far and im 24 now,lol.

  10. countless times because i have a babyface!:)

    i dont mind nowadays though!

    in 10 years time im gonna be happy to have a babyface :P


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