
How Many Welsh Fans will Boo the Haka?

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After all the hullabaloo about the article written by Chris Rattue in the New Zealand Herald, will the Welsh fans show the same disrespect England fans did during the Haka?

I feel that the Welsh will only lower themselves by doing this, and should rise above this minnow of a journalist!




  1. don't worry I won't boo!!

  2. When they do the Haka, they expect the crowd to make noise, but not necessarily booing. Noise winds them up and get their adrenaline rushing!

    If the crowd is silent, this intimidates the team and makes them feel uneasy.

    It's like walking into a room or a pub full of people, if the place is really quiet, you feel awkward.. as if you're not meant to be there. If the place is noisy, you feel as if you're blended in and you feel less awkward and un-intimidated.

    So.. although booing is a sign of disliking... booing, along with other noise, can wind them up and get them going for the game. The best way to get to them psychologically is to remain silent and that silence will intimidate them and hopefully effect their game.

    But I guess it's an impossible task to get 70,000 people to keep shut!

  3. what do you expect from the english,they so up there own arses they think that they are great at everthing,the welsh will do proud on saturday

  4. Not an answer to this question but just  wanted to congratulate you on your awnser to funky munky question

    "fed up with seeing jokes on here?",

    she reported me for my answer

  5. No I show respect to the Haka, just because what some t**t wrote doesn't affect it and I will never lower myself to England.

    Love the avator - I have that hanged up in my living room, long live Cymru

  6. I would hope that none do, it is after all one if the few great sporting customs left and would hope we don't let ourselves down like our neighbours recently did

  7. It's auto suggestion again isn't it?

    Now that it's been mentioned we'll probably get some idiotic/alcohol fuelled minority who will disrespect the Haka. If that does happen let's hope the AB's will realise that the guilty minority  aren't necessarily true rugby supporters.

  8. Dont boo as we are in wales not england thank god lmao....cb

  9. I wouldnt boo i like the haka it's all part of it, they shouldn't have made them do it in private, just daft.

  10. thank you for answering my question.

    let me tell you that here in Argentina there are so many welsh.

    you can bet I'm a fan of your team...

  11. real deal:take that chip off your shoulders

    juts look at the anti english postings in your thread...thats seys it all really.

    welsh bird my other comments were fair and just.i gave on your lot when they were gloating about england loseing.

    Upto that point i was rooting for wales but now...nah

  12. probably 0 as we are playing new zealand not ENGLAND

  13. oh dear the welsh boys are a bit tired and grizzly

    we booed them because they are not the sporting team they once were, mark my words if shane williams or anyone else does a gary owen he WILL NOT be allowed to chase it without being body checked or worse

    this they do alongside a multitude of other rule bending dirty tricks.

    know your enemy

    they wear black not white

    a rose loving englisman hopes you win

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