
How Many Women in Congress are Democrats as opposed to Republicans?

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I just want to make the point that it's a little unfair for all these Republicans on Y!A to suddenly start accusing the Democrats of being "sexist"...

Do you know the numbers and how that translates to percentages of the Senate and House?




  1. Is the Tide turning...scrub a dub dub???  Perhaps women will clean the House and the Senate.

    i am Sirius

  2. No. Do you?

  3. How many women Members are there in the U.S. Congress today?

    In the House there are 74 female Representatives. The Senate has 16 females. These are the highest numbers of women Members in the history of the Congress.

    Of the 16 female Senators, 11 are Democrats and 5 are Republicans. Of the 74 female Representatives, 53 are Democrats and 21 are Republicans.

  4. I'm sure you can search it and come up with the answer fast. I'll bet a large majority of them are Democrats.

    Yes, as I thought by more than a 2 to 1 margin.

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