
How Many of you actually know the answers to these questions?

by Guest32397  |  earlier

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1. what form of government does the United States have?

2.true or false the word Democracy is found nowhere in the US Constitution?

3.what is the function of the Electoral College and how many members are there in the electoral college?

4.which bests describes the term Impeachment?

removal of the president for high crimes and misdomenors

indictment of a president for high crimes and misdomenors

5.can a judge be impeached?

6.who was the last president to be impeached?

7.on what day is the president elect sworn in to office?

8. who said "we must all hang together or we will all most asuradely hang separately?

9.can the son of a naturalized citizen of the US legally be president of the United States?

10.who within the government of the United States has the power and authority to override the president?

The first one to get all the aswers right gets the ten points. Failing that the closest one to getting all the answers right will get the ten points.




  1. 1. Representative Republic

    2. True

    3. The electoral college was devised as a compromise between election of the president by congress and election by straight democratic vote.  This way, the number of electoral votes are assigned by a states population and then the popular vote of that state decides the vote of that states electoral members.  There are currently 538 members in the Electoral College.

    4. Indictment

    5. Yes

    6. President Bill Clinton

    7. January 20, 2009

    8. Benjamin Franklin

    9. As long as he is native born.

    10.  You stumped me on this one.  I think of the three branches of government (Executive, Legislative, Judicial)  there is a mechanism for any of the three to overide any of the others in particular ways.

  2. Nice try. Do your own homework. We can't learn for you.

  3. 1.  representative democratic republic

    2. True

    3. The electoral college is composed of 538 electors, who officially vote for pres and VP even though now the candidate who wins each state gets the corresponding electoral votes which is the number of reps and 2 senators together

    4. indictment of a president for high crimes and misdemeanors

    5. yes

    6. Clinton

    7. January 20th

    8. Ben Franklin

    9. Yes, as long as he was born in the US  at least 35 years old, and has lived in the US for  the 14 years prior to the election

    10. only if 2/3 of congress vote to override a President's veto but that's is only for vetoes to override an executive order only the supreme court can override it by ruling it unconstitutional

  4. 1. We have a representative democratic republic

    2. True

    3. The electoral college is composed of 538 electors, who have the duty of officially electing the President and Vice President

    4. Of these two, indictment is the better choice

    5. Only the President, Vice President and officers of the United States are subject to impeachment. Judges are officers, and can and have been impeached.

    6. Clinton

    7. January 20th

    8. Franklin

    9. Yes, as long as he is himself a natural born citizen, at least 35 years old, and has lived in the Us for at least 14 years

    10. The congress can override a President's veto.

  5. 1.  Representative Democracy (or republic if you want to get technical).

    2. True

    3.  Compromise between large and small states for selecting the president.  538.

    4. indictment

    5.  Yes a judge can be impeached.  Federal judges can be impeached by Congress.  State legislatures can impeach state officials including judges (depending on the state).

    6. William Jefferson Clinton

    7. 1/20/2009 (for this election).

    8.  Ben Franklin

    9.  As long as they are a U.S. citizen, born in the U.S., and 35 years of age or older.

    10.  This question is a little ambiguous.  The obvioius answer is that congress can override a presidential veto with 2/3 vote in both houses.  Technically, the Supreme Court can override presidential decisions when litigation hits that realm.  The Supreme Court has the power to declare presidential and congressional acts unconstitutional.  Case in point: they have struck down many of the administrations policies concerning Gitmo.

  6. In answer to your question, I'm British and I don't know the answers.

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