
How Much Castor Oil Should You Take At 40 Weeks To Induce Labor?

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I am 40 weeks pregnant and very impatient. I'm ready to see my son! I took one Tbl of castor oil it's an hour later and nothing yet. Should I have taken more or should I wait longer. The DR says i'm dialated a finger and my cervix is ripe.




  1. NO MORE CASTOR OIL!!!!!!!! EWE!!!!!!!!!!!! Do some jumping jacks or have s*x .....  

  2. NONE! i wouldnt mess with it if i were you.. just be patient, walk, have s*x etc. hes almost here... good luck  

  3. you shouldnt take any!! you and the baby can get sick!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Have you lost your mind?

  5. i wouldn't take anymore,

    and just so you know

    it might not put you in labor

    good luck!

  6. Dont drink castor oil!! If you drink any more all you will do is be on the toilet for the rest of the night! Honestly the best thing you can try to get labor going is having intercourse and orgasming!! It really works! Try it and you might have a baby in the next 24 hours! good luck

  7. Just be patient, I did the same thing!  It actually took a couple hours for anything really to happen!

    I think the most you are suppose to take is a tbsp.

    BTW be careful because you will c**p your brains out when the baby is coming out unless you haven't eaten in a while, what ever is in your intestines will come out because of the castor oil. lol

    I was having contractions a couple hours after I took it and I didn't even realize i was having contractions, my doc. called and asked if i was doing ok and i said ya, she started asking questions and told me to go to the hospital immediately.  My son was born that night!  

    Good luck!

  8. Don't be a fool.  Castor Oil will not induce labor and will just give you horrible cramps in your lower intestine.  Wait for nature to take its course with your pregnancy and you will have a healthy child - if you start trying to push before your time, you may damage your child and yourself and are opening yourself up to awful complications!

  9. none..

    did you know that your baby could die suffocating on it when it's born

    i know what you mean about unpatient.. but don't you want a safe delivery and a heatly baby

    please don't do it , walk , hot baths , lots of s*x ... and don't worry he will come  worst comes to worst they don't let you pass 42 weeks..

    good luck  

  10. Taking castor oil is dangerous and putting yourself and your baby at risk. I can't believe you would do that to yourself just because you are 'impatient'. That's very selfish and silly to take things into your own hands like that!

    Let it happen naturally - if the Doctors feel that it's taking too long then they will take steps to induce the labour. Leave that to the Doctors, they are the professionals.

  11. none...not only is it extremly unsafe for your baby but it will make you feel horible for about two weeks after!! Try a different route for self induction...maybe s*x thats always fun!!

  12. Well i have never tried it, but my sister did. All it did to her was make her stomach ache and gave her the poops. But she had no baby. In my opinion your baby will come when he is ready. I wouldn't do the castor oil though. But it is up to you of course.

  13. That doesnt really help... try walking up a hill down some stairs... etc... s*x helps too the seaman softens your cervix

  14. OMG  STOP  When you are ready the baby will come..Forcing labor is wrong and you could hurt the just never know.

  15. none

  16. None, all it will do is give you bowel cramps and diarrhoea. It does not bring on labour unless conditions are conducive to it. Have a little bit of patience because who is to say that you wouldn't go in labour by yourself at midnight or two days from now.

  17. ask your doc to check how far your dilated and effaced if your at leased 2cm 50%effaced if not then dont try it your not ready if you are then have him strip you membranes then your ready take a long walk

    wait until it dark like around 8pm then start with the castor oil 2oz with like 4oz orange juice the more jucise the better cause the castor oil well be more diloated like in an hour or so you'll start to go to the bath room it well start to slow down the take another 2 oz of castor oil with 2oz of orange juice and let it do its job once things have start to slow down make some ginger tea the powder kind its stronger an hour later 2oz red wine and relax

    if your runs have slowed down then take a short walk keep active for a while the tkae a very warm bath with epsom salt and relax then go to bed

    i was out of the bath not 30min when my contractions start 5 min and less apart 10 min later my water broke

    i got to the hosptal at 7 am and had a healthy baby boy at 10:11 am 6lb 15 oz 20.5 in

    PS buy the rite aids brand castor oil its odorless and tasteless

    I didnt get the horrible cramps every one was telling me about or the vomiting like i had when i was induce medically with my first all i got was some runs which wasnt bad at all if you need to know anything else Email me

    good luck

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