
How Much Does A Male Teen Grow A Year?

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I am 15. How much will I grow every year until I stop growing?




  1. depends on parent's doc told me general rule is 2 inches per year, could be more during growth spurt period

  2. im a 15 year old guy 2! YAY! its different for all guys. you & I and most 15 year old boys will grow taller. how much? who knows? look at your dads height.

  3. it depends on the teen, his genetics, etc.

  4. How Blue is the sky?  You have a good 5 years of growth potential ahead of you.  Genetics play a prominent role in your growth, too.  Each person is different - depending on their chemical makeup.  You will more than likely have a few growth spurts before it's all over.  There's no way anybody can accurately predict how much you will grow per year nor how tall you will be when you are grown.  Accept what God has given you & use it wisely.  It's all yours - and nobody else's.  Take care of it.  You are in charge. Best of Luck to you.

  5. i grew like 10 feet a year. it was radical

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