
How Much Does It Cost To Attend UNC?

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I want to major in Dentistry.

I will most likely be a resident.

So I can obtain Residency.

How much does it cost to attend?

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  1. Residents of the state of North Carolina pay very reasonable tuition - the estimated annual cost for undergraduate tuition is $5340 (versus almost $21,000 for non-residents). The average for room and board (dorm and food plan) is about $7700, for a tuition, room and board total of $13,040.

    Note that these amounts don't include your costs of books, miscellaneous fees, personal expenses or transportation to and from the school.

    As for wanting to major in dentistry - you DO know that dentistry is a graduate school program, right? The only bachelor's degrees offered by the School of Dentistry are programs in dental hygiene. If you want to apply to the school of dentistry's DDS program, the degree that will enable you to become a dentist, you'll need to earn a 4-year undergraduate degree first.

    UNC does not offer a specific degree called "pre-dentistry", but the dental school does recommend (or require, really) certain pre-requisite courses that applicants must have completed. These include:

    One year of inorganic chemistry with lab

    Two courses of organic chemistry (no lab)

    Biology or zoology (including human anatomy) (with lab)

    Two courses of college level physics (no lab)

    English composition (2 semesters)

    There is probably no advantage to attending UNC as an undergraduate when it comes to applying for admission to the school of dentistry.

    If you're interested in finding out more about the necessary education for dentistry, check out this answer:;...

    I hope that helped!

  2. You didn't say whether you would be in the undergrad. program or graduate program, full-time or part time.

    The DDS for a full-time resident student is $8236.98 per semester, according to this chart.

    Undergrad programs are much less.

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