
How Much Espresso is TOO Much Espresso?

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I've been adding additional shots of espresso to my Starbucks vanilla latte and I'm curious about whether there's any concern over how much espresso one consumes in a day.




  1. Youve had too much when you start to shake.

  2. depends on how much you can take

  3. Caffeine is ridiculously addictive.

    It increases your blood pressure and causes anxiety.

    (If you don't believe it, try stoppping the caffeine cold turkey for a few days, -the headache develops in a few days, but is HORRIBLE. -And you'll find that no pain killers work, -in the end, you'll need to sit down with a cup of coffee, and it'll miraculously go away.

    Then you'll realise what a mean, assiduous drug it is.)

    Best way to really stop caffeine (don't forget sodas, tea, energy drinks) is very gradually so you don't withdraw.

    I now have maybe one good, strong, cup of coffee a day, -and it feels like luxury.

    I feel loads happier, and less anxious, and my blood pressure has reduced.

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