
How Much Flax Seed Can I Put Into Smoothies or Muffins Without really tasting it?

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I am making a dozen apple cinnamon muffins, and would like to add flax seed to make them slightly healthier, but don't know how much to put into the recipe. How much can I put in without affecting their taste?

I also make smoothies every morning and would like to add flax seed into them. The smoothie recipe is as follows. How much flax seed can I put into this without messing with the taste?

Smoothie Recipe:

2 cups assorted frozen mango, pineapple, and strawberries

1/2 cup skim milk

1/2 cup pomegranite juice

2 leaves spinach





  1. What the h**l is flax seed???????

  2. I use 1tbs. That is plenty to get the benefit of the seeds. Also for smoothies Flax Meal works well.

  3. Flaxseed oil is same as linseed oil.  We used it in wood shop in high school.  I wouldn't eat it.

  4. Thats more of a trial and error kind of issue. You'll just have to keep adding bit by bit and see how much is just right.

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