
How Much Formal Should A One Month Old Eat?

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Please don't tell me that the formal tells you because it doesn't. It just tells me if you make a 2Oz's bottle put one scoop in and so on like that. The reason for his question is because my baby wasn't getting enough from breast milk, so I had to move her to formal. Someone please help me beause I'm worried about my daughter.




  1. usually a one month old eats about an can make another ounce if if she is still hungry. formula fed babies stay full longer. breastfed babies eat way more often,expecially newborns.breastmilk is digested easier than formula. so sometimes it feels like you are nursing all the is completely normal.

  2. at only one month Id say she would probably only take maybe two onces to four ounces every 2-4hours.. Call her pediatrician just to check though.

  3. Make a 4 ounce bottle and let him/her drink as much as he/she wan'ts then you will know how much to make.

  4. My little girl is 6 weeks old and she takes between 2 to 4 oz every 3 to 4 hours.  At 4 weeks she was taking 2 oz every 2 to 3 hours.  Right now it depends what kind of mood she's in on what she'll take and when.  She also likes to snack a lot during the day so when she's in that kind of mood she'll take between 1/2 an oz and 1 oz every hour.

    Hope this helps you a little.  Just try to feed her when she wants it and don't worry so much about how much she's getting as long as she is wetting and pooping her diapers.

  5. 2-3 ounces every 3 hours or so is about average. Your baby may be more or less hungry than that.

    A good way to determine if she's getting enough is to take her weight in pounds and multiply by 2.5. The number you arrive at is the number of ounces she should get in a day. For example, if she weighs 8 pounds, she should be getting 20 ounces of formula per day.  

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