
How Much Harder Should I Train?

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I'm 18 years old 5'8 i weigh 172 but i have a lean mass of 140 pounds so my body fat percent is about 18.6% ... keep in mind i am a woman! my goal is to go down to 15% i am on a very low carb diet and i exercise 6 times a week ... should i train harder or keep on doing what i am doing?




  1. Are you weight training?  And how is your protein consumption daily?  Get 1 gram of protein for every pound of body weight to build muscle, even lean muscle.  The more muscle mass you have the more fat you will burn just by sitting around.

    If you are training for long lean muscles, low weight/lots of reps.  I wouldn't train harder but smarter.  The following site is one of my favorites for those of us hitting the gym, hard as women.  Packed with great information:

  2. if you get down to 15 youll have no b***s or butt...or anything....youll have like no fat...women have waaaaay more fat then men

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