
How Much Is The Monthly Bill for the Cingular LG VU?

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Ive read reviews on the LG VU and I have decided im going to buy this phone when my contract is up and it knocks down the price on the phone. I was just wanting to know how much the monthly bill would be if I have unlimited texting and the internet (I dont know if I can but if I have a choice I will take off the internet.)




  1. well it costs

    $20 for unlimited text

    $15 for AT&T Mobile TV Basic

    $15 for MEdia Net Unlimited

    - OR for $35 a month you can get: Media Max Unlimited which is:

    UNLIMITED Cellular Video, MEdia(TM) Net, and Messaging (Text, Video, Picture, and IM)! GET IT ALL at a discounted monthly rate.

    ^ which is a really good deal :)

    hope this helped :)

  2. Unlimited texting is $20 a month and Unlimited Media Net is $15 a month. Excluding minutes, your bill would be $35 a month. You don't have to have Internet on your phone. It is just an add on service and not a requirement.

  3. 19.99 for unlimited text and internet.

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