
How Much Money.......?

by  |  earlier

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I know this is kind of a personal question. But I was wondering how much your bills are a month, and how much you make a month. My bills are always less than $600/month, and I make around $2100/month. You don't need to list how much each bill is, just all together, also, can you list how many people live in your household, if you pay their bills too(i.e. children, grand parents, etc...) Thanks.




  1. I live on my own and my bills are about £400 per month (roughly $800) .... my income is just about on that level with a little to spare... and I have no mortgage......

  2. why do u need to know?

  3. My (our) bills run approx.3200/month. I get about 4800.00 taken home and my husband about the same. That's about 9600/ month. It goes quickly though. I just received a bill for 648.13!!!!! So that would raise my monthly bill to about 3500.00. Crazy huh?

  4. Married with expensive kids in college and high school...a bit over  $5,000/month

  5. I too am single and live alone.  My income is about $2000 a month and my bills are $900 a month.  Hope this helps

  6. bout tree fiddy

  7. I wonder where you live and if you have a roommate or 2.  Reason being if you alone  pay for cell phone, home phone, electric, internet, cable, rent, transporation,  groceries, entertainment, car insurance, life insurance, medical insurance, and clothing  I want you you tell me your secret.  Because that is amazing.

  8. well i got a lil sister and  a older brother

    and my daddy pay about 1000 for da house

    and my mom pay about the same amout for the bills

    so they both pay about 2500 or something every month

  9. my bills are around $1200 a month, and i make about $900, but i just graduated college and still have loans to pay off and not a good job yet.

    BTW, rate me, please; I won't get offended by low scores:

  10. I am only 12, so I don't pay bills. I do shop and use cash though?!
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