
How Much Should I Charge For Babsitting?

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I'm 13, I have babysat b4 (for free) but now I want to be payed. I took babysitting classes (including CPR). I know what to do if a child or children have hurt themselves (like choking, have burn him/her self or themselves, or even unconcious) so I know what to do in an emergency. I have papers for the parents to fill out (like where are they going, how long are they staying, when they be back, their cell #, their doctor's name, the hospital they go to, what area or stuff the child or children are NOT to get into, where the fire extingisher(s) is at, their child's/children's name,age, and weight, and what they are allergic to and what medication/presciption they're supposed to take whenever, etc...) I have the poison control center's number.... so as u can see I'm prepared, I have this book (it tells what to do if child/children hurt themselves, and how to out them to bed, stuff like that) so how much should I charge for babysitting?




  1. Since you are 13, and this is a great job for that age, as long as you LOVE children and babies!! A babysitter is often paid around $5 an hour per child (at least that is what I am charged when people watch my 3 kids) It could be a little less, but you should def. make at least 3 an hour. Most parents are very generous to their sitters. Now, a bit of a reminder, as I have close family that has been affected by this, PLEASE never shake a baby!!! My cousin died from being shaken by the sitter, as well as my best friends daughter (also by a sitter) If YOU become frustrated with a crying baby, simply lay him/her down in her crib (or another safe area) untill you can regroup...Good Luck!

  2. Even though you're 13yrs it does not mean you should work for 5 or less an hour, I think you should charge between 8 and 10 an hr,I've been a babysitter/nanny for over 7yrs now and sometimes its hard because they want to pay next to nothing sometimes but I want you to stand your ground and try and not make anyone take advantage,and also you can try and work with the family for e.g (if you say a price like 200, and they can't do that ,then you can say ok can you do 150) I think its a good start for you so you can learn responsibillties about working along the way.

    Good luck to you.


  3. well, ask yourself how much do people make at McDonald's or burger king.... then compare what you do apposed to what they do. then factor in the age component. id say about 11 dollars an hr. i for one would not pay anyone to flip a burger more than i would someone to take care of my child.

  4. I have two daughters and usually pay about $8.00 an hour for sitters.  My girls are pretty self-sufficient now, at 9 and 11.  If the babysitter does more things for me, like household chores, I will pay a little extra.  Sometimes they will fold laundry, put dishes away, etc.

    I think it is great that you are taking this so seriously, by getting the certification and such.  You may also want to get some reference letters from anyone you have babysat for already.  Also, ask those people to refer you when they speak with their friends.

    On another note about safety...ALWAYS, ALWAYS, tell the parents of any incidences that may occur.  I was in college when a baby I was sitting for fell off a couch and I neglected to tell the parents for fear of their reaction!  As a parent myself, I now know they would have been happy to have that information, God forbid, the child had some type of reaction later in the evening, they would never know why.

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