
How Much Should I "love" My Balls?

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My friend told me to love my balls when I'm playing billiards

Meaning to hit them gently and be friendly with them

He told me if you bang'm too hard they won't stay in the pocket

Is this true?



P.S. I'm a noobie to pool, so take it easy on me




  1. I thing depends how do you like playing...

    Cause if you like, or you need hit strong maybe you can be luck and you put it in..

    But maybe not you can put the balls to fly...

    You always need to  see what do you need to do..

  2. Yeah, I'm pretty attached to my balls too.

    I try not to bang them around any more than I have to.

    It can really mess up your night if you bang them too hard.

  3. it all depends on what type of english you want to put on it hit it low and hard to make it come back far and hit it low and soft to make it come back just a little bit it all depends where you want your ball to go.

  4. Kick them instead, as hard as you can, until youj feel it in your pockets.

  5. Yeah combos are realy tough you get both in 1 shot

  6. What a high lob for Johnny... and he was nice...LOL

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