
How Much To Replace a Boiler Pump?

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My boiler pump has apparently gone and i've been quoted £200 to get it repaired. I just want to know if thats the going rate.

Many thanks




  1. That is very reasonable price.

  2. If the pump is an integral part of the boiler then the replacement pump might have to be a certain make and £200 is the most you should pay including labour.If the pump is external to the boiler then you can pay anything from £30-£80 for a pump,and if you are a competent DIYer you could try changing it yourself.

    Make sure who ever changes it adds some anti-corrosion chemicals when refilling the system.

  3. why not have a go yourself ,easy enough just close the valves each side of old pump disconnect the mains lead remove replace with new one

  4. Get another two quotes, but it's about right I would think. DIY is not really advisable, unless you are that way inclined. You would need to turn of the eletricity supply to the boiler, isolate the pump with the valves each side of it and (this is the hard bit) undo the large union nuts on the pump. You need big boy's adjustable spanners and a fair amount of strength. If the pump is very old it may need heat from a blowlamp to free off theses large union nuts. Refitting is easy but still has to be done carefully with new washers to avoid leaks on refill.

  5. Yes that seems a good price considering a pump costs about £80

  6. Pumps cost about £50/60. and about 2/3 hours labour. The quote you have is a bit over the top.

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