
How Much Will Insurance Cost?? 16 yrs, Male, CA?

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I was wondering how much insurance would cost to insure a 16 year and 9 month old Male. I have a clean driving record, no accidents or tickets. The car is a 2001 sequioa with 67K miles and is garaged at all time. I will probably drive about 100-150 miles a month. My parents told me that the cost of insurance would be at least $5000 a year! which i think is outragoues. Im willing to fight back with them but would like to know what others think how much insurance will cost Thank You!




  1. Well if you are going to fight back with your parents you need to do your research. You are still 16 and the fact that you have a clean driving record doesn't say much since you have probably been driving less than a year.  The best thing you can do is to call your parents auto insurance company and find out for yourself how much it will cost. You will definitely save money by being on your parents policy though.

    You can also get free quotes from other insurance companies just to make sure your parents company is giving you the best rate.  Check out the site below, I found it really helpful when I was looking for auto insurance.  It lets you compare quotes for free so you can find the cheapest insurance possible.

    Good Luck! Hope this helped!

  2. it will cost alot for your age...but since youre a student a few insurance companies will cut you a deal...

    for a free online quote go here...

  3. Anywhere between 3000-5000 sounds about right.

    In Ohio, adding a male teen to a policy with full coverage can easily spike it 1800 a half (3600 a year.)

    The mileage on the car doesn't have so much to do with what you pay for insurance.  With teens, it's the liability portion that sky-rockets along with the collision coverage.

    Teenage males are high everywhere.

    Without accidents/violations, their rates drop over time, the biggest break becoming 25 yrs old.

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