
How Much Will My Mother's Pregnancy History Effect Mine?

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It took my mother over a year to conceive, does that mean I should expect about the same?




  1. I wouldn't think so!! My mom got pg @ 15 and I am now 19 and been ttc for about 7 months!!! So I'm pretty sure that it doesn't!! Good Luck

  2. Not always the case.  I always heard that your pregnancy would be like your mothers, and that has been completely wrong for me.  She had the worst nausea and vomiting, she couldn't even keep down water, when she was pregnant.  I am 10 weeks and have not thrown up once.  My sister didn't have morning sickness either.

    My mom had a hard time keeping babies, and I think that worries me a lot because miscarriage can be scary.  Maybe your mom had something wrong with her that they couldn't detect?  Try not to worry about it, it can take up to a year for healthy couples to conceive naturally so don't become worried before that.  And they have new options now that they never had before!  

  3. no. you have no way of knowing what caused her fertility issues, but typically infertility is not an inherited condition.  

  4. You know, I always used to wonder about that kind of thing, but then I did some reading and discovered that each pregnancy can be totally different, even for the same women, so that made me feel a bit better.

    I had been worried because my Mum was extremely sick for the whole 9 months with both myself and my sister. She used to just carry a bucket around wherever she went, and I couldn't imagine doing that at work :( Anyway, my sister is now 18 weeks along and although she felt sick for about 6 weeks, she never threw up and now she is fine. So unless there's a medical or genetic reason than it took a year for her TTC, it was probably just a case of bad timing!

  5. I think it really depends on your situation. My mother went through menopause in her early 30s. I am now in my early 30s and turns out, I had to have IVF to get pregnant due to low egg count and chromosomal abnormalities with my eggs.  

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