
How Much Would It Cost To Call Ireland From The USA?

by  |  earlier

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The Question Says it all, No I dont knows, or IDK's. Thanks.




  1. your such an idiot without a clue how to research i will take my two points but to be honest I think you need to get an education

  2. I would suggest using a calling card, that way you wont be suprised by how much it will end up being.

    When i was in ireland i used my credit card to call the US and it was $16 for just a few min, but that could just be because it was from a phone booth. So since you might not be able to know for sure id go the calling card route.

  3. how are we to know? that totally depends on your telephone provider and the lenght of your phone call.  Theres thousands of different rates

  4. You can get some decent cards from I use them all the time.  But now I got Vonage and all calls to Ireland and UK are free.

    I also have friends that do business in Uk that use Vonage and they love it.  

    But if your internet goes down no phone.  No problem I have a cell phone too.

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