
How Much damage has George Bush done to this country?

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Almost two years ago, I asked the question to Y!A people.

How much more damage can Bush do to this country? We now have over $4.00 per gallion gasoline prices, huge home foreclouses, poison food and a war that defies a solution. Our Borders are wide open to drug dealers and ILLegals. In Reality, we are at war with Mexico.




  1. We're not at war with Mexico.  If we were, the borders WOULDN'T be as poorly protected as they are.  

    The Bush Administration has done a lot of damage, yes, but it is statements like the one you just made about Mexico that keep so many conservatives thinking that liberals are morons.

  2. and many of your allies want you out too .! threw my twopence worth in because it's on u.k. board .

  3. o come on i may not like the man but for ever since we fought for our freedom most of the known world hated us the food poison in tomatoes came from california. if we had a stricker crackdown it would be better where oyu couldnt even far near the products and stop exporting to communist countries with tainted food that they import into here....

    dont worry about iraq we always for some moment of stupidity rebuild the country we attacked then when they attack us in the future we wonder how look at japan if it wasnt for us rebuilding they wouldnt be who they are today

  4. lmfao..and you think this is george bushs fault.???? rofl...whats next, bad bedroom performance.  the answer to your question is NONE.  there are 535 members in congress and the pelosi/reid regime is busily attempting to race this country toward socialism.  that in itself is more damage than any conservative could ever create.

  5. George Bush has the shidis touch...... everything he's touched turned to shiit.  

    Texas Rangers Ball Club........ we was honored to buy them a 250 million dollar stadium so they could turn around and pay 1 ball player 250 million dollars. (man are we stupid people)

    State of Texas after all the jury-mandering, we were honored to have that Idiot elected governor, and him and his republican buddies needing a cheap source of (extremely cheap) labor opened the south border flood gates....... may as well give texas, new mexico, arizona, and california back to mexico, seeings how they have it repopulated now.

    Oh the best for last........President.........I'm surprised the man can even spell president.

    Oh don't get me wrong, the man can make the money, he saved the texas rangers 250 million dollars so they could pay A-Rod.........and you can d**n sure bet, him and his oil rich buddies are raking in the dough right now.........and all at whos expense........Americans are dumber then tree stumps, they elected him. And worse still, some people still don't see him for the criminal he is.

  6. In the UK we have a similar problem with our own GB.  All the above and more..

    Did you know here we have to pay the equivalent of $7.50 a gallon for gas as the tax alone is about $4.00.

  7. None.

  8. Bush has NOT acted alone!!! Remember, our elected Congress has done their share (probably more than bush) of ruining this country!!!

  9. I mostly agree with you, Bush has done SO much damage! it is hard to believe but wow, look at the economy, the way teh rest of the world views us, everything, he has damaged us badly, but hopefully it isn't beyond repair.

    As far as your comment about Mexico, is it really that wrong for people to want to make a better life for their family? You try living in Mexico and liking it.. you'd be wanting to jump the fence too! They are people just like you, me, Obama, and McCain!

  10. He hasn't really caused more damage but he also hasnt done anything to prevent it from increasing. Borders have always been wide open, and poison food has nothing to do with Bush. The spinach and tomatos that caused problems were from foreign countries like mexico.

  11. Oh, the horror of it all!!! The tyranny of the Bush administration is unspeakable. And after 2 years you still find the strength to vent your agnst here on YA!!! How can you go on? 4 dollars a gallon, I'll never be able to fill up my Hummer.

      Really, Try living in Africa, North Korea, Malaysia, Iran etc....even Mexico, and then tell me about how horrible Bush is!

  12. Your  Question should  be How Much damage has Congress done to this country.

  13. $ 123456789000000000000000000 only.

  14. Well Bush really doesn't have much say on the price of oil, although at least one analyst claims that the Iraq war has a lot to do with the skyrocket price because most of the world's undeveloped oil fields lie in Iraq, and the war has completely stopped their development.

    But yes, I would say the damage done by the Bush administration has been tremendous.

    1) He initiated a totally unnecessary war to the tune of over $1 trillion in debt and 4,000+ American lives lost, not to mention the death and devastation wrought in Iraq itself.  Some economists estimate that the final cost of the war to the US will exceed $4 trillion.

    2) He totally destroyed the international goodwill the US had received as a result of the 911 attacks.  Most nations were sympathetic to the US as a result of those attacks until Bush invaded Iraq.

    3) He has completely eviscerated the US' international moral prestige by authorizing torture of detainees and indefinite imprisonment without trial.

    4) He has singlehandedly done more to destroy Americans' civil rights than anyone in history.  He authorized illegal domestic wiretapping of US citizens without a warrant.  He campaigned for and signed legislation doing away with the right of habeas corpus.  He campaigned for and signed legislation allowing law enforcement to "sneak and peek" on US citizens without a warrant.

    5) With his $1.3 trillion in tax cuts to the wealthiest 1% of the US population (which has more money than it can spend anyway), he has accelerated the bankrupting of the US treasury and widening disparity between rich and poor in the US.

    6) He has presided over a "culture of propaganda" in which science results are bent and distorted to fit his administration's political agenda.  His "propaganda culture" has also succeeded in instilling a permanent culture of fear over the American populace with its incessant harping on the "war on terror".

    I could go on, but you get the point.

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