
How Much does it cost to Buy the NY Yankees?

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I'm Wondering how much would it cost for anyone to buy the the Ny Yankees.




  1. like they say, if you have to ask the price you probably can't afford it.

    but if you wish to.....

    the overall team 'value' is somewhere between $1-1.3billion, including market value but not including the new stadium costs of $800mil.

    to purchase the team, you would probably need about $500mil just to cover the salaries and revenue dollars

  2. i think the Rays have owned the yanks this season, so ask them.

    (ahh yes, here comes all the thumbs down)

  3. More than most people have.

  4. Well Cablevision wants to buy the Yankees and if they do they'll have to sell Madison Square Garden so does that answer your question?

  5. Just over 1 billion i forgot the exact ammount.

  6. I'm pretty sure the Yankees are worth 1.3 billion so maybe a little bit more

  7. Old mighty George bought them in 1973 for 10 million, and now the franchise is worth 1.3 billion , if they were to be sold start at around 800 million just for starters, that's liquid cash up front.

  8. Depends on what seats you want.

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