
How Much is Too Much To Gamble?

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How Much is Too Much To Gamble?




  1. All of your savings and retirement ....... just gamble what you can afford to lose ....... = )

  2. There is no set amount.  

    If you have to ask - Don't Gamble period.

  3. 5000 no higher

  4. What is your overall budget?

    Determine how much of your income you want to spend on entertainment. National average is about 4%.

    Then determine how much of that amount you want to spend on gambling. Half? Than anything over that is too much.

    However, once in a while there may be an opportunity to gamble where the possible reward far outweighs the cost of losing.

    Suppose you were 21 years old and had one chance out of 1000 to win 100 million dollars, but you had to bet everything you own to try to win it. Would you do it?

    If you win, you are an instant multi millionaire and can have anything and everything you want.

    If you lose, you are dead broke. but young and can easily recover from this in a year or two.

    It might be worth the chance to gamble everything, because the reward would be so great.

  5. I take as much as I would spend on a night out (entertainment, dinner, etc.) when I lose that I leave.

    I consider the trip to the casino my entertainment for the evening.

  6. The best rule of thumb is, only gamble what you can afford to lose.  I couldn't afford to blow more than a grand or two, at most, at a casino without being in a bind.  Charles Barkley was probably betting that much on each hand when he racked up $400,000 in casino markers.  Barkley can afford to lose $400,000 and still pay his mortgage, I can't, I doubt you can either.  It's all a matter of what you can afford.

  7. Too much varies per person. If you have paid all you obligations and you want to treat yourself to a night out on the town, then what ever you would use to accomplish this, is the amount you can afford.

  8. Don't play with more than you can afford to lose.  If you lose the whole amount (whatever that is), you should still be able to pay all your bills.

  9. Too much to gamble varies as one person may not even have $10 to gamble and they gamble.  For them $10 is too much.  Someone else who is a multi-millionaire gambles a couple hundred thousand on a game and that is fine.

    I personally say when gambling to keep it below 2-3% of your salary, and anything over is too much.

    Enjoy but do not go bankrupt doing so.  If you are doing this for fun some online poker rooms and casinos allows you to gamble using the play for free option so you get the thrill without loosing money.

  10. To much is when you leave the casino and can no longer pay your bills. You should only use the extra money you have not any from your living expenses.

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