
How Much is the Earth Going to Warm Up By Next Year Because of Global Warming? ?

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How much warmer do you think the planet is going to be next year because of global warming?

Do you think next year will be 5 degrees warmer? Or do you think that it will be even warmer?

Please include any calculations to show how you came to your conclusion.




  1. why enough to melt the ice caps, drown the polar bears, put the dem. back in power, end our way of life and heck probably cause the rest of the planets to jump out of orbit.

    Then again, maybe none at all.   They called for rain all week, heavy down poors.   Look at that the sun is shining.

    Go figure.

  2. The whole global warming problem is based on a critical misunderstanding of what the earth’s proper temperature is. In the last 2000 years the temps have been 2C higher than current averages (Roman/Skandic/MWP) and 1.5C lower than current (Little Ice Age). So what is the real temp we should be at, no one really knows because there is so much year to year and averaging variation making an accurate determination impossible. Just remember there were years in the MWP that were 2C warmer than current and there were years in the Little Ice Age that were 1.5C lower than current so we are in a fairly comfortable temperature range currently. Remember it could get colder or hotter than it is now, it has done it before.

    I am going to give you a link to a discussion on this subject by the person who discovered the faults in the NASA/GISS data and got NASA started in correcting the errors. He also states why he is sure all data world wide has been contaminated by the Hansen error just as the US data has been proved to be. Until all data points have been verified and corrected from the Hansen contamination there will be no way to determine one way or another what is true. However the corrections for US data alone show that the whole AGW theory is a house of cards built on a foundation of sand and the tide is rising to wash it away.

  3. Nobody(not in their right mind at least) would even consider 5 degrees as a possibility, however that could fit into some of the lunatic beliefs.

    If anything, if things continue as they have been going on for the last few years, my money would be placed on it being cooler than this year.

    Sorry that I can't give any calculations, but it would not surprise me if some lunatic actually does.

  4. The Earth will not warm at all next year due to 'man-did-it' global warming.  

  5. It will be cooler again-- year 11 of flat or declining temperatures.

  6. If Obama wins, it will cool by 26.2 degrees.  If McCain wins it will warm by 74.2 degrees.  Obama=cooling.  McCain=evil Republican

  7. AGW is a fraud perpetrated by grifters and abetted by fanatics

  8. I really enjoy watching you try to lure AGW proponents into "gotchas." Everyone knows you are in denial and that your arguments only speak to others in denial. Everyone knows that the climate is a chaotic system, but that that system can structure over time, through trends. So, it would be fruitless to try and make a prediction for next year, and you know it.

  9. The calculating of the worlds average temp is near impossible and the data can be skewed almost any direction. Insert more data from the warm area and it will appear to get hotter. Use more from the cold area;s and it will appear to be getting colder.  

  10. A 2-3c by the end of the century is the figure put forward by the IPCC, 5 deg next year is a good example of a continuing trend by those of the denier persuasion the same as talking of hurricane changes and increases just a few years after scientists state that the changes are expected over the course of this century. I really try to not be insulting but is difficult when long term predictions are made (90 years) and individuals here claim after just 5-10 years that the effects don't seem to be apparent yet, sort of like a small child 5 miles into a 100 mile journey, asking are we there yet.

    I would expect you won't get this as you continue to claim a year to year temp drop over the last 10 years of 0.06 and this is utter fiction with no supporting evidence at all.

    Wow 16 hour and this is still open I thought you shut these down quickly to minimise the the pointing out of obvious errors.

    Johnnie b: working out the current average temp is quite straight forward, satellite data on a number of modern instruments resolves down to 1km x the entire surface of the earth, doesn't matter about "warm areas" because there are also cold areas you add them all together and get an 'average' ,even a high school kid could understand this concept. The more data points you have the more accurate the average, the Surface Area of Earth: 510,065,600 km2 so that half a million data points for each pass a very very accurate average.

  11. That is an impossible question to answer and have an accurate answer. Instead I defer to some reasonable science:

    The IPCC's Third Assessment Report projects that the Earth's average surface temperature will increase between 2.5° and 10.4°F (1.4°-5.8°C) between 1990 and 2100 if no major efforts are undertaken to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases (the "business-as-usual" scenario). This is significantly higher than what the Panel predicted in 1995 (1.8°-6.3°F, or 1.0°-3.5°C), mostly because scientists expect a reduced cooling effect from tiny particles (aerosols) in the atmosphere.

    Scientists predict that even if we stopped emitting heat-trapping gases immediately, the climate would not stabilize for many decades because the gases we have already released into the atmosphere will stay there for years or even centuries. So while the warming may be lower or increase at a slower rate than predicted if we reduce emissions significantly, global temperatures cannot quickly return to today's averages. And the faster and more the Earth warms, the greater the chances are for some irreversible climate changes.

  12. Look these terms up:



    Until you understand the difference, you're just making yourself and your fellow deniers appear ignorant.

  13. rofl Global Warming to me is still an urban legend, i guess when you have snow for six months out of the 12, and tempt. between -10 through 20F you find thing like global warming impossible.

    Did you know That IceLand use to be White covered in snow, and GreenLand was so green and beautiful, now GreenLand is covered in snow and IceLand is as Green as GreenLand use to be.

    So I still don't believe in Global Warming.

  14. They don't know.    When they do, I will start believing.

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