
How Much money can you get from suing a company for firing you for discrimination?

by  |  earlier

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I know a few people who have gotten fired for Being Black and another for being g*y. I know it is hard to prove in court, but they have whitnesses saying they heard the manager tell them they were not welcome there because of there skin color and because of their sexual orientation. Which was dumb for the company to come out and say. SO im just wondering how much money they can get from suing their previous employers?




  1. Of course it depends on the company and the nature of the discrimination. No jury is going to award you millions if the company is a 10-person small business. If you go forward with a lawsuit, just be sure it is for the right reasons. It sounds like bringing this company down would be good for society and teach them a lesson, but a jury can tell if you are just in it for the cash. Also be aware that discrimination cases can take a very long time and any winnings will first go through expensive lawyer(s).

  2. It would be very difficult to say without knowing the company. In all likely-hood they would just fire the manager; not pay out money. It would really depend on how many witnesses they had willing to testify.

  3. They can get just as much money as the Judge see's fit.

  4. Go to Human Resources of the company. they will fill you in. Maybe how much it hurt you. what they did. so by 140kish maybe or less

  5. the judge will probably give the amount based on the amount sued for this case sounds strong just the only obstacle is proving it and the g*y one well really there nothing that person can do unless your state has protection on that. I'd go for a million.

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