
How Much people want to make rebelation for their own countries / states?

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How Much people want to make rebelation for their own countries / states?




  1. Death to procrastinators !

  2. I have no idea what your question means.  But if you mean revolution, then not really.  The United Kingdom isn't that bad a place to live, whatever anyone says.  Our major civil liberties are still (almost) intact: freedom of movement, association, speech, thought and conscience.  ID cards will remove some of these, but are not yet compulsory and I hope they never will be!

    Britain: not great, but not too bad.  Things could be done better, but I'm not sure who by!

    It's like when someone asks how you are: you say 'fine', meaning not great, but not fantastically awful.  Fine.  Tolerable.  Just like life in this country...

  3. Rebel? Revolution?

    Will if they try to impose more eu sanctions on the size of our bananas!..

  4. What are you on ?

  5. I love the idea of "rebelating" - sounds like a half-arsed, unco-ordinated bout of community pissed off-ness manifested by smoking in pubs, dropping litter, and putting your bin bag out a day too late (or six days too early).

    Welcome to the UK.

  6. The more open and free a country is, the smaller the proportion of "radical" elements will be found there.

  7. People are patriotic and more often than not they are proud of their country no matter what.

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