
How Much would yo charge...........?

by  |  earlier

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How much would yo charge a week for a business manager who will...

.Manage your website

.Advirtise your buisness in newpapers

.Make yo flyers and cards ect.




  1. I guess you must have lots of money to burn .. well (at least in UK) employing some-one is NOT something to do lightly .. I would suggest 'do it yourself' until turn-over exceeds about £500,000 a year (and profits exceed £50,000) .. you can then consider a part time employee ... (expect your new 'manager' to halve your profits in his/her first year).

    If you lack the expertise, consider paying a consultant for each job you want done as it arises .. this will be (a lot) cheaper than employing some-one part-time or full-time ..

  2. $0.01. cheap. just like your mom.

  3. suggest if you wish to ask advise of business people you at least write in such a way that business people can understand you. What is "yo"

    What you are asking is not realy a manager it is a advertising  position I probably would not pay anyone if it was a small business as what you have asked would not take more than a couple of hours a week for myself to do it.

  4. $300/wk.


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