
How Not 2 Lose Alot Of Energy While playing Sport?

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i waste a lot of engery and get tied quick[im not fat]i need a way not to tied realy fast.PLZ HELP




  1. Well first off make sure you are taking your vitamins. A complex vitamin B and CoQ10 are good energy boosting vitamins. Also make sure you are taking in protein. I recommend a protein shake, you need protein for your muscles if you want to be able to function properly in your sport.

    Also if you need an added energy boost I'd try an energy drink like FRS. They have low calorie versions that only have like 35 calories in them and they are formulated for people who play sports and workout. They have less caffeine and sugar in them and more vitamins and antioxidants. The drink itself gives you a nice boost, but you don't crash later on in the day. That is the downfall of most major energy drinks. I use it for soccer and it's great. I found it here through a free trial. I suggest you try it before you buy it to see if its right for you. What's good for one person isn't for the next.

    Anyway hope this helped. Good luck.

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