
How Often Should i Wash Football Pants, Compression Shorts/Shirts?

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my little cousin has one compression short and one compression shirt, and one football tight. when do should i wash them for him? i really dont know anything about all this and he just joined the junior league and i dont want him to get any rashes. im afraid if i wash it too much that itll get damaged and i dont want it to because they are so expensive to buy. am i going to have to wash them everyday after practice? he definately sweats alot, and is there a certain way to wash em to keep the compression and football tights in good shape? and should i wash his football tights just as much as his compression clothing?




  1. keep those shirts clean!

    wash right after usage......but on a light cycle.....not too much detergent.....let them air dry........but if necessary dry them on low heat

    unwashed uniforms can lead to staph infections which can spread easily among young football players

  2. Wash after every game, all equipment.  

  3. after every use is rediculous, youd be washing it every day, wash it once a week and if he plays when its wet, preferably after games, it will smell, but its football, be sure to wash them atleast once a week though, we had guys who went weeks without washing them, Id say do it after every game because they have the next day off so you dont have to rush them.  

    The pads should come out but you dont have to wash them every time, but occasionally you should, also you can dry the pats, but if the shirts have writting on it it will peal in the dryer, so air dry them

    P.S. be careful if you don't wash them it can cause staff infection, last year a few high schools in my area were not allowed to compete for most of the season because of staff out breaks in the locker room, it is caused by the dirt and sweat of the uniform getting into cuts (h**l get a lot of scrapes and bruises) but as long as its washed once a week he'll be fine

  4. Wash them every time he uses them, may want to get him more than one pair of shorts and shirt unless you like doing laundry.

    The biggest reason for this is MRSA, a staph infection that is resistant to most antibiotics and is deadly.  Sports teams all over the country are having problems with this and the best advice is to wash clothes regularly and treat/cover any breaks in the skin immediately.

    As for washing instructions, do not wash the pads if they are removable.  A little Lysol may be ok, though.

    Compression shorts and shirts can be put in the dryer on a low setting but don't use any fabric softener as this will ruin the moisture wicking ability of the fabric.  Personally, I air dry mine as the material lasts longer.  

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