
How Old Do You Have To Be To Be A Vet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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Just Want To know!




  1. I assume you mean a veterinarian (and not a veteran). It's not really an age thing; you have to finish college and vet school. Most vet's probably are ready to start out around 25?

    I hear vet schools are rather hard to get into. Some people say it is harder to get into than medical school because there are so few vet schools.

  2. Children and teens cant be a veterinarian simply because they have not completed the required schooling.  Most college vet programs take about 6 to 8 years.  So if you get out of high school at age 18, you'd be about 24 or so before graduating.

  3. You finish high school at 18.

    You finish college (bachelor's degree) at 22.

    Vet school is 4 more years, so one is 26 at graduation.

    Veterinary residencies can be up to 3 years long, so most vets aren't ready to practice until they are at least 28.

  4. old enough to graduate from high school and college and veterinary medical

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