
How Old Do You Have To Be To Start A Business!

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Me and My Sister Need To Know Fast!




  1. Probably 18, if your under 18, I'm sure with your parents help you can.

    You would need a business license ( fictitious name )

    & pay your taxes.  

  2. When i was 8.  I sold orange juice. NO THREAT [Later, I became a teacher.]

    The law is simple in this situation; if you will be doing sales

    as a fun thing, you are a non-threatening hobbyist ...not

    infringing on anyone or a threat to anyone.

    If, on the other hand, you will be selling inventions, music you originate, etc. -- IF you are going to

    enter business BUSINESS, must have an adult as part of

    your company to sign any documents; why?  

    No adult may  contract with a minor [there are exceptions].


    Available to guide you further

  3. There is a new report just published that lists and give details of twelve unique ways for teens to make money at the source below. It doesn't really matter about age as long as you can read, write, and follow simple instructions.

    As a matter of fact, they aren't just jobs, but real home based businesses that teens can easily start and operate with little or no money to start.

    The report is free, so you can pass it around as much as you like to help out other teens and parents of teens that are looking for ways for teens to make money.

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